NCS-R Lifetime prevalence estimates
NCS-R Twelve-month prevalence estimates
NCS-A Lifetime and 12M prevalence estimates
The baseline NCS, fielded from the fall of 1990 to the spring of 1992, was the first nationally representative
mental health survey in the U.S. to use a fully structured research diagnostic interview to assess the
prevalences and correlates of DSM-III-R disorders.
In 2001-02, respondents of the baseline NCS were reinterviewed (NCS-2) to study patterns and predictors of the
course of mental and substance use disorders and to evaluate the effects of primary mental disorders in
predicting the onset and course of secondary substance disorders.
In conjunction with the NCS-2, an NCS Replication survey (NCS-R) was carried out in a new national sample of
10,000 respondents. The goals of the NCS-R are to study trends in a wide range of variables assessed in the
baseline NCS and to obtain more information about a number of topics either not covered in the baseline NCS
or covered in less depth than we currently desire.
A survey of 10,000 adolescents (NCS-A) was carried out in parallel with the NCS-R and NCS-2 surveys. The goal
of NCS-A is to produce nationally representative data on the prevalences and correlates of mental disorders
among youth.
Data are publically available for the NCS and NCS-R:
Public release of the NCS dataset
Public release of the NCS-R dataset
NCS-2 and NCS-A data are restricted. You can apply for access, as well as view publicly available documentation
on the ICPSR website:
Restricted release of the NCS-A dataset
Restricted release of the NCS-2 dataset